Du betrachtest gerade Great Benefits: Lunchtime Running at the Office (2019)

Great Benefits: Lunchtime Running at the Office (2019)

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport
  • Beitrags-Kommentare:2 Kommentare

During the week there is always a lack of time. Most of the day you have to spend at the office. Sometimes I have to go shopping for groceries after that immediately, so you are home even later. I am not the only one with these kind of problems. Squeezing training in during the week is already hard enough, so how to deal best with the lack of time? Some colleagues and I found a concept called: Lunchtime Running at the Office.

One day a week we meet at a certain time – right before lunch time – strap on our running shoes and escape from work. You not only can squeeze in another training session. It is also very refreshing for mind and soul. Forgetting about the next urgent tasks at hand can be a gift from heaven – even for half an hour.

Distraction is key while running at the office

Sometimes we still talk about work. A little bit of ranting now and then. But most of the times we end up talking about something different. It is a welcome diversion to standing or sitting on your desk or in a meeting all day. Most of the time we hit the nearby woods. In there you are as close to nature as you can get during a lunch break. When you run next to trees, bushes on small gravel roads you quickly forget about what is waiting for you back at your desk.

Usually we also got company by Toni. A white Swiss Shepherd pet dog who also spends some days at the office. He keeps us busy by running in the front, at the back and in between our legs. Today it was very humid in the woods and we were sweating quite a lot. Toni was also very hot. The dogs tongue got so long it looked like it was almost hitting the floor from time to time.

We humans luckily can take a cool shower after the run. Next we walk straight to the canteen to refill our stomachs. Sure we have to clock in like 90 minutes of lunch break instead of the usual 30. Lunchtime Running at the Office is totally worth it though and you should give it a try as well if you can! It is also a great way to establish balanced sport routines during a regular work day.

Great Benefits: Lunchtime Running at the Office (2019)

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